My name is Madeline. Metropolitan labrador extraordinaire. I live in the hip Dupont/Logan neighborhood in Washington DC. I was adopted about a year ago and I've been loving life ever since. I hope you enjoy reading about life from my perspective.

Thursday, June 01, 2006


I have no excuse except laziness for my lack of posts. The weather has really slowed me down! Its so hot. I almost forgot how fast I have to pant in the heat to cool off.

Anyway, last weekend Tom and Miri went to St. Michael's and they bought me this really cool Bee Collar! Its my summer outfit. Don't I look bee-utiful in it? OK, I know, that was kind of corny.

Here's another photo of me sleeping with it on. OK, the truth is, I'm not really sleeping but I'm pretending for the photo. I'm a fabulous actress.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so glamorous in your new collar! I prefer rhinestones myself, but I know you are a sporty girl and that wouldn't be practical.
Pug hugs,

5:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.

5:53 AM


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