My name is Madeline. Metropolitan labrador extraordinaire. I live in the hip Dupont/Logan neighborhood in Washington DC. I was adopted about a year ago and I've been loving life ever since. I hope you enjoy reading about life from my perspective.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

O Brother, where art thou?

Yesterday Miri told me I was going to have a brother soon! I didn't say anything back to her at the time but I have some thoughts about it.

1) I am hoping she means human brother because there shall be no other dogs here to compete with me. I am the queen bee of the canines in the McDonald home.

2) I'm glad its not a sister because I like being the girl. I mean if it was a girl, im sure Id adapt but I think its better for me to remain the girl baby.

3) I am also excited that its a boy because i think a boy is more my style in terms of being a little rough and tumble. I could be described as a tomboy myself and I think Ill like a more playful brother rather than a girlie and delicate sister because im anything but delicate.

More thoughts later. That's all for now!



Blogger Jennifer L. said...

Maddie, I'm very proud of how you are adjusting to news of the new baby. Attagirl! Baby Boy McDonald is going to love you and you are going to love him. Just you wait!

Auntie Jennifer

10:02 AM

Blogger charming gardener said...

Just wait till he tries to ride you like a pony, Madeline. The good news is that you will be WAY bigger than him for a few years... then it is a fair fight.

4:29 PM


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