My name is Madeline. Metropolitan labrador extraordinaire. I live in the hip Dupont/Logan neighborhood in Washington DC. I was adopted about a year ago and I've been loving life ever since. I hope you enjoy reading about life from my perspective.

Thursday, June 29, 2006


Quick post to say that I ALMOST got to eat a dead bird today. I was so close but Miri was too quick. I was trotting along in the dog park having a fun old time. I smelled the sweet aroma of a dead animal in the bushes. I started digging and stuck my head in there and came out with the delicious treat in my mouth. However, I had to put it down for further inspection and that's when Miri grabbed me by the harness! My dreams turned to dust right before my eyes.

However, on the bright side, I did get a few good humps in with Roscoe.

Photo Note: I dragged this photo out of my archives. This was taken a day or so after Miri and Tom adopted me!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.

1:03 PM


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