My name is Madeline. Metropolitan labrador extraordinaire. I live in the hip Dupont/Logan neighborhood in Washington DC. I was adopted about a year ago and I've been loving life ever since. I hope you enjoy reading about life from my perspective.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Sorry for not keeping up with the posts recently. To be honest, its just too damn hot I cant even think straight. I'm so busy panting these days.

Tonight we went to the dog park and saw Ted, Roscoe and Mambo. I had some good humps with Roscoe and a good go with the ball now and again. But then I was just too hot so we left.

Then it thundered and I got really scared.

More later... Hopefully it will cool off soon.


Blogger charming gardener said...

Hang in there hot dog.

Maybe those humans will take you swimming!

11:08 AM

Blogger charming gardener said...

Hang in there hot dog.

Maybe those humans will take you swimming! Where I live we don't even have air conditioning...

11:08 AM

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4:18 AM

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